Myke Guerin's MPC Clap

above photo from the collection of Myke Guerinof Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Probably one of the funniest named synths in history, the clap does pretty much what it's name implies. It claps. Pretty poorly at that.
It sounds more like somebody shaking a box of popcorn. With a little bit of knob twiddling and some effects, you can produce some neat sounds, though. I found this one in the instrument shop that my girlfriend works at. I remembered seeing it when I went there for guitar lessons some
15 years earlier. It was brand new (save some dust) and totally un-used. It's a grand addition to my collection, though.
It's good for a cheesy synthesized early 80's clap when I need it....or for some odd effect somewhere. It's deadly simple to use. It has four knobs. Volume, Spread, Decay, and Mix (which gives you either "clap" or "noise" or some of both). One touch pad for making it clap. Trig in, line out, and power in jacks (the trig in is a mini jack). It also runs on a battery if need be. The colour scheme is pretty sickly (black, brown, cream, and red), but that doesn't deter you from clapping away.
From what I can see on the back, this beastie dates back to 1982.
--Myke Guerin
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