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Synthmuseum.com Visitor Demographics

Visitor Profile

(This profile is based upon survey responses between June and October, from visitors who filled out the contact form or who participated in the trivia game or the drawing. Duplicate responses were discarded.)

Total Respondents 735
(actual questions in bold)

Your Age and Sex:
Average Age: 29.75
Under 18     37    5.03%
18-25       266   36.19%
25-32       178   24.22%
32-45       190   25.85%
45-55        47    6.39%
over 55       3    0.41%
total answered
            721   98.10%      
No answer    14    1.90%      
TOTAL       735  100.00%      

Sex: (respondents could choose
male, female, or "other")
Male        697   94.83%   
Female       30    4.08%   
Other         8    1.09%   
TOTAL       735  100.00%
Do you own vintage electronic musical instruments?
No          155   21.09%
Yes, a few  485   65.99%
Yes, many    92   12.52%
total answered
            732   99.59%
No answer     3    0.41%
TOTAL       735  100.00%
Choose which best describes you:
Musician/Recording Artist
                341  46.39%
Producer         44   5.99%
Studio Owner     23   3.99%
Engineer         37   5.03%
Songwriter       34   4.63%
Sound Designer   66   8.98%
Educator          9   1.22%
Music Business Professional
                 12   1.63%
Other           155  21.09%
total answered  721  98.10%
No answer        14   1.09%
TOTAL            73 100.00%
Popular Other Responses 
(written in):
All (or most all) 
of the above     11   1.50%
Amateur Musician 66   8.98%
composer          2   0.27%
Student          10   1.36%
Synth Tech        5   0.68%
Music Lover       2   0.27%
Other 59 respondents 
an Architect, 2 chemists, 
2 collectors, a Film/Stage 
Producer, 5 Former Musician/
synthesists, 2 self professed 
Geeks, 3 noisemakers, 1 "Grown 
man with too many toys", and 
1 "Freak".
Choose which best describes your involvement in music industry:
I appreciate great music.
              77    10.48%
I aspire to be involved with 
making great music.
             173    23.54%
I am involved in my spare-time
             250    34.01%
I am a Part-Time Professional
             142    19.32%
I am a Full-Time Professional
           74    10.07%
total answers716    97.41%
No answer     19     2.59%
TOTAL        735   100.00%
What types of music do you record, produce or perform? (check all that apply)
             472     64.22%
Classical     84     11.43%
Jazz         143     19.46%
Classic Rock 113     22.04%
Prog. Rock   146      9.80%
Alternative/Modern rock   
             162     22.04%
R&B           72      9.80%
Blues         90     12.24%
Funk/Soul    107     14.56%
              98     13.33%
Experimental 382     51.97%
World         45      6.12%
Country       18      2.45%
              27      3.67%
New Age       95     12.93%
F/X Sound    205     27.89%
Other        150     20.41%

Popular Other Responses 
(written in):
50's style e.m. 15   2.04%
Ambient          8   1.09%
Folk             7   0.95%
Industrial      15   2.04%
Noise            5   0.68%
Jungle           5   0.68%
Other 95 responses include... 
3 punk, 3 pop, 2 bluegrass, 3 
drum & bass, 3 Gabba, 2 film 
music, 2 gothic, 1 video game 
soundtracks, and 1 "tex-mex 
How much do you plan to spend on music-related products over the next year?
Under $1,000      153   20.82%
$1,000 - $5,000   398   54.15%
$5,000 - $10,000   79   10.75%
$10,000 - $20,000  15    2.04%
Over $20,000       24    3.27%
total answered    669   91.02%
No answer          66    8.98%
TOTAL             735  100.00%
Annual Household Income:
Under $25,000       220   29.93%
$25,000 - $35,000   157   21.36%
$35,000 - $50,000   122   16.60%
$50,000 - $75,000    96   13.06%
$75,000 - $100,000   41    5.58%
$100,000 - $150,000  31    4.22%
Over $150,000        19    2.59%
total answered      686   93.33%
No answer            49    6.67%
TOTAL               735  100.00%
Which of the following are you interested in purchasing? (check all that apply)
Vintage Synthesizer
                    511   69.52%
Vintage Drum Machine
                    244   33.20%
True-Analog Synthesizers
                    427   58.10%
Analog Modeled Digital 
                    290   39.46%
Software Synthesizers
                    265   36.05%
Sampler             234   31.84%
MIDI Software       193   26.26%
Production/Recording Software
                    255   34.69%
Recording Gear      327   44.49%
CD Mfg. & Duplication Services
                     84   11.43%
Other                84   11.43%
Popular Other Responses:         
Modular Synths       18    2.45%
Guitar                5    0.68%
Groovebox             2    0.27%
Virtual Synths        2    0.27%
Hammonds              2    0.27%
Jungle                5    0.68%
Other 50 responses include...
Chapman stick, 3 effects 
processors, drum sets, manuals, 
New MacIntosh, Sample CDs, 
"sleep", and a "spatula".

To become a Synthmuseum.com sponsor,
please contact:

Jay Williston
jay @ synthmuseum.com

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