Your Age and Sex:
Average Age: 29.75
Under 18 37 5.03%
18-25 266 36.19%
25-32 178 24.22%
32-45 190 25.85%
45-55 47 6.39%
over 55 3 0.41%
total answered
721 98.10%
No answer 14 1.90%
TOTAL 735 100.00%
Sex: (respondents could choose
male, female, or "other")
Male 697 94.83%
Female 30 4.08%
Other 8 1.09%
TOTAL 735 100.00%
Do you own vintage
electronic musical
No 155 21.09%
Yes, a few 485 65.99%
Yes, many 92 12.52%
total answered
732 99.59%
No answer 3 0.41%
TOTAL 735 100.00%
Choose which best
describes you:
Musician/Recording Artist
341 46.39%
Producer 44 5.99%
Studio Owner 23 3.99%
Engineer 37 5.03%
Songwriter 34 4.63%
Sound Designer 66 8.98%
Educator 9 1.22%
Music Business Professional
12 1.63%
Other 155 21.09%
total answered 721 98.10%
No answer 14 1.09%
TOTAL 73 100.00%
Popular Other Responses
(written in):
All (or most all)
of the above 11 1.50%
Amateur Musician 66 8.98%
composer 2 0.27%
Student 10 1.36%
Synth Tech 5 0.68%
Music Lover 2 0.27%
Other 59 respondents
an Architect, 2 chemists,
2 collectors, a Film/Stage
Producer, 5 Former Musician/
synthesists, 2 self professed
Geeks, 3 noisemakers, 1 "Grown
man with too many toys", and
1 "Freak".
Choose which best describes
your involvement in music
I appreciate great music.
77 10.48%
I aspire to be involved with
making great music.
173 23.54%
I am involved in my spare-time
250 34.01%
I am a Part-Time Professional
142 19.32%
I am a Full-Time Professional
74 10.07%
total answers716 97.41%
No answer 19 2.59%
TOTAL 735 100.00%
What types of music do you
record, produce or perform?
(check all that apply)
472 64.22%
Classical 84 11.43%
Jazz 143 19.46%
Classic Rock 113 22.04%
Prog. Rock 146 9.80%
Alternative/Modern rock
162 22.04%
R&B 72 9.80%
Blues 90 12.24%
Funk/Soul 107 14.56%
98 13.33%
Experimental 382 51.97%
World 45 6.12%
Country 18 2.45%
27 3.67%
New Age 95 12.93%
F/X Sound 205 27.89%
Other 150 20.41%
Popular Other Responses
(written in):
50's style e.m. 15 2.04%
Ambient 8 1.09%
Folk 7 0.95%
Industrial 15 2.04%
Noise 5 0.68%
Jungle 5 0.68%
Other 95 responses include...
3 punk, 3 pop, 2 bluegrass, 3
drum & bass, 3 Gabba, 2 film
music, 2 gothic, 1 video game
soundtracks, and 1 "tex-mex
How much do you plan to
spend on music-related
products over the next year?
Under $1,000 153 20.82%
$1,000 - $5,000 398 54.15%
$5,000 - $10,000 79 10.75%
$10,000 - $20,000 15 2.04%
Over $20,000 24 3.27%
total answered 669 91.02%
No answer 66 8.98%
TOTAL 735 100.00%
Annual Household Income:
Under $25,000 220 29.93%
$25,000 - $35,000 157 21.36%
$35,000 - $50,000 122 16.60%
$50,000 - $75,000 96 13.06%
$75,000 - $100,000 41 5.58%
$100,000 - $150,000 31 4.22%
Over $150,000 19 2.59%
total answered 686 93.33%
No answer 49 6.67%
TOTAL 735 100.00%
Which of the following are
you interested in purchasing?
(check all that apply)
Vintage Synthesizer
511 69.52%
Vintage Drum Machine
244 33.20%
True-Analog Synthesizers
427 58.10%
Analog Modeled Digital
290 39.46%
Software Synthesizers
265 36.05%
Sampler 234 31.84%
MIDI Software 193 26.26%
Production/Recording Software
255 34.69%
Recording Gear 327 44.49%
CD Mfg. & Duplication Services
84 11.43%
Other 84 11.43%
Popular Other Responses:
Modular Synths 18 2.45%
Guitar 5 0.68%
Groovebox 2 0.27%
Virtual Synths 2 0.27%
Hammonds 2 0.27%
Jungle 5 0.68%
Other 50 responses include...
Chapman stick, 3 effects
processors, drum sets, manuals,
New MacIntosh, Sample CDs,
"sleep", and a "spatula".