Korg 770
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This korg770 belongs to C. K. Haun. "I purchased this in 1977 or 1978 and everything still works perfectly, this thing is bulletproof."
The Korg 770 is a two-VCO, monophonic synthesizer with a 32-note (F-C) keyboard.
The two VCOs sit at the top of the panel, one to the left and one to ther right with a mixer section between them. The oscillators can be mixed, ring modulated, or one can modulate the other to create FM sounds. VCO2, the one on the right, can also be a noise generator. The mixer includes a switch to choose one or the other VCO. VCO1 can take external input (like a mic or a guitar) and feed it through the signal path. A very nice feature.
To the left of VCO1 is the LFO speed knob. Below that is the portamento control, with a switch allowing alternation between knob settings and a fixed port speed. Below VCO1 is the filter section. The low pass and high pass
filters are in an unusual, and very useful, stacked configuration,
and are sliders, not knobs.
This allows you to make intercepting filter sweeps with one hand, and
allows you to get to resonance points very easily.
The four switches in this section set the ranges for the filters,
'brightness', and how much LFO to add to the filter path.
To the right of the filter section is the envelope/trigger section.
Only attck and 'singing' (release) are slider controlled. Sustain is
set by a 3 postion 'x1 x10 x100' switch.
Triggering switch allows percussive, sustain, and hold.
Another exciting enhancement in this unit was the final button in
this setion, triggering. Allows VCO triggering by key, LFO, and
Final section, far right bottom, is other mods. Two mods, tremelo
and ptch bend. Tremolo does what you would expect, with speed and
delay settings.
Pitch bend allows up or down bending, knobs for amount and speed.
The control this synth offered was amazing. Unfortunately, the sound
didn't live up to the controls. With the best tweaking you could do
you still ended up with a buzzy little synth. Fat bass? Nope.
Screaming fluid lead? Nope. Little buzzy dude? Yeah.
--C. K. Haun