above photo from the collection of Synthmuseum Curator Paula Chase, Boston, MA, USA
serial #: 3091
This is Moog Music's "synthesizer for everyman. [The] design approach for the Micromoog was to use a minimal number of functional building blocks and to configure the instrument for the greatest amount of performer control over these blocks. The Micromoog consists of the basic necessities: one voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), one voltage controlled amplifier (VCA), two contour generators, and one sample and hold. The 'open system' inputs and outputs make this Micromoog a basic musical building block which can be expanded to meet the performer's growth."----[from Micromoog Operation Manual ---by Tom Rhea]
This was the synth that followed the Minimoog. Having only one oscillator and using less expensive materials, this became the cheap alternative to the Minimoog. It was also one of the few and possibly the first of the early synths to use the pitch ribbon controller instead of the more popular pitch wheel found on the Minimoog.
Apollo 440,
Richard Babieri,
Country Disco Chocolate Covered Satan Group,
Thomas Dolby - first synth he owned at the age of 15,
Doubting Thomas,
Wolfgang Duren,
Front Line Assembly,
Electronic Dream Planet,
Herbie Hancock,
Brian Kehew and Roger Manning of The Moog Cookbook,
Chuck Leavell,
Legendary Pink Dots,
Martin Ley,
Jon Lord of Whitesnake,
Patrick Moraz,
Steve Nieve,
"Money" Mark Nishita keyboardist for the Beastie Boys,
Mats Oberg,
David Sams of Heron,
Mark Stanway- on Magnum,
Chris Stubbs of The Mometers,
[Let us know if you have any further additions to this list.]